By the time you become a young woman probably some nurturing women in your life has uttered the words stroke a man's d*ck and you have him for a night but stoke his ego and you have him for a lifetime. Have you as ladies ever noticed how much in your lifetime you have got from men without even actually offering sex. Your mere kind words in the form ego stroking does a man good. Now this is the time to pull out your ego stroking calculators ladies and see how much you have saved the most with the bonus card from your local grocery store or retail location versus the men in life you have come across. Pull out the calculator and lets tabulate. Do you remember when you purchased you car batting your eyes feverishly at the car salesman and your award winning smile complementing him count that as money saved. Let's keep tabulating you independent ladies who went out purchased a home but it became time to sell that home and the male realtor wanted to push for that high commission and that warmness in your voice reduced the percentage of commission as you stroked his ego. You may have told him something as flattering and ego stroking as this sale with a less commission won't hurt an established man such as yourself your use to selling home far more expensive than mind. Now that you ladies are counting the savings some of you may have used the ego stoking in retail situations or any scenario that fits your life. Many of you can pause right here from reading and write a list of at least five instances that have helped you save. Even though these men may have not been on your radar for companionship or hanky-panky the principle remains the same. So can you just pause and meditate on how much of an impact this has on a man that is the object of your desire that you have a mutual interest in?
Some women I must note will always only be a one. They will do great tricks in the bedroom and perform acts only thought to be accomplished in a three ring circus. Let's call them by name women who aren't open or selfless enough to stroke a man's ego. They often hide under another moniker such as independent, independent and did I say independent. It should be redefined as incapable. Yes they provide a roof for their head, coat for their back and a high heel for their feet. They also use that heel to keep up a mans butt or suppressed at his head because of their inability to be selfless. While the rant of the last few sentences sounds like an indictment against the incapable woman it is not but an observation of just one characteristic of some women. The reason that women are in that space may come from when she was that woman having a man's back only for that man to have changed on her as if a page in the book the one that says the end. However this women who will only be a one has arrived at this destination it is her number until further notice.
There is also another way to be a one. The other one is the women who will stoke a man's ego constantly he walks around feeling great based on her words, her acts of care and or love but she is incapable of stroking his stick the way he likes. Now I know some of you women are saying as long as I am stroking the stick he should be happy. Ladies the way Harry liked it is not always the way Barry likes it. You have to learn what works for Barry versus Harry. We won't mention Larry your side guy who gives it to you just the way you like that is for another writing another day. If you are reading this and it sounds like it is all about him it is not, it is about both of you but I am just talking to you ladies directly and of course the guys who are reading this nodding their heads in agreement of my writings.
So the topics above are just the beginning of why I Jermaine JER JOH Johnson, writer/producer/filmmaker decided to do a documentary film surrounding the idea She's A Two. This blog doesn't even begin to take you where we go in this documentary film talking about She's A Two the end of trying to be a ten. If you are truly a two ladies he will have the only number he needs. Stay tuned for the upcoming documentary film by JER JOH Entertainment/JER JOH Films it will let you know it's time to be a two. She's A Two the Film stayed tuned at www.JERJOH.com. Ladies your opinion counts and if you would like to have your views on She's A Two expressed in the movie contact JER JOH Casting to be in the movie.
Jermaine JER JOH Johnson
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