Days leading up to my 35th birthday conjured up many thoughts about life. Many of those thoughts caused my mind to reflect back to things I have encountered known as obstacles, goals I have obtained known as jumping hurdles and races that I have not yet won, called keeping the good fight. But at age 35 truly you are grown there is not more sappy child’s play and at this point most of us have lived half our life or more depending upon when the creek should rise. I reflect heavy to my 20’s when I was young excelling beyond what so called real grown folks were doing. I recall reaching life and prosperity goals early and feeling youthful exuberance beyond measure on many days. I remember being age19 and saying I would retire by age 35. I shared that reflective thought with my father this morning as he contacted me to wish me a Happy Birthday via phone. I stated to him “well I guess I got 36 to look forward to retire now”. He promptly reminded me “you still got 35 to complete it”. His meaning was you just turned 35 and don’t let the dream go this is your first day of 35. He is right I still got 35. So I leave you with my 35 for 35 as I go pursue my teenage dream of retirement at 35. These are 35 valuable lessons or reflective thoughts I have, many I am just embracing in the last few years. If you need insight on the line items please tweet me and I will respond via @JERJOH.
My 35 at 35
Preamble: It is all about timing nothing happens until it is time to happen.
35. Accept people for who they are.
34. Most forms of relationships are seasonal.
33. Your mama might not be your friend but she told you must people aren’t your friend and she was right.
32. Love is for fools the first time.
31. Perception is reality.
30. Never lack utilizing being aggressive.
29. What goes around comes around (KARMA).
28. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
27. An apology is easier than an excuse.
26. Don’t believe the hype.
25. Be willing to be open minded.
24. Family is no longer defined by bloodlines and family trees.
23. Loyalty is priceless.
22. Speak what is on your mind in the right place and time.
21. The grave yard is full of books never written, movies never directed, songs never played and goals never acted upon.
20. Never surrender your creativity.
19. A man born of woman days is numbered and so are his deeds.
18. I have learned that money is not the root of all evil but power that comes from it corrupts.
17. Its okay not be right.
16. To allow a woman to have the last word in an argument makes you a better man.
15. Silence is stronger than a perfectly organized oral sentence.
14. It is okay to die poor but it is a crime not to live rich.
13. I have learned never to hoard information, wealth or knowledge.
12. Many bad things happen not from one bad decision but a series of bad decisions that lead to a terrible situation.
11. Never trust a BIG BUTT and a smile.
10. What you may want no matter how bad may not be good for you.
9. Truly learned LET GO OR BE DRAGGED.
8. Humility
7. Learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them.
6. You can learn a lot from a dummy don’t commit their same mistakes.
5. Keep letting small stuff slide it will kill you.
4. Always have weekly reflection to assess goals and to plan ahead.
3. Embrace the power of love in all forms.
1. Be thankful no matter.. Be thankful no matter!

Jermaine JER JOH Johnson

Jermaine JER JOH Johnson
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